Signum Fidei Holds Second International Assembly

Rome, Italy– on 1 - 13 July 2013, twenty-one Signum Fidei members and five Brothers converged at the Generalate for the revision and ratification of the Signum Fidei Style of Life, a document that was implemented ad experimentum by the Assembly of 2006. The International Advisor, Br. Alberto Gomez, and the Secretary for Lasallian Family and Association, Br. Charles Kitson accompanied the group.

The theme: Being today Signs of Faith, Builders of Community, Ambassadors of God’s Love, indicated the mandate, the process and objective of having come together. The process of language group and plenary discussions allowed in-depth sharing of experiences and realities; issues and concerns were carefully handled; horizons have become broader and everybody was happy about the task that was accomplished. It was humbling to note that Signum Fidei communities in many parts of the world have gone as far as establishing centers that cater to oppressed young women as well as educational institutions that house abandoned children and youth at risk. Br. Charles challenged the delegates by saying: “Make your STYLE of LIFE a living document that in turn breathes life into the entire Lasallian Family. Let it not be just words but let it touch the hearts of those entrusted to your care.”

Beyond borders and language, all those present had been drawn to a deeper sense of being one family, different in many ways but ONE heart that beats with love flowing from a God who continues to nourish and sends every Lasallian out into the world to participate more concretely and faithfully in the very Mission bequeathed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

By Myra A. Patambang