Lasallian Novena For Peace


Lasallians around the globe are invited to participate in a 9 day Lasallian Novena for Peace.

A Novena is a form of Catholic prayer that you can do over 9 days or 9 hours. To pray a Novena, recite a specific prayer or series of prayers with an intention in mind. The prayers for this Novena are all related to peace. The format for this Novena is purposely simple. As you pray this Novena, make it your own, for example, you may want to add you a prayer such as the Our Father to conclude the daily Novena prayer. All are welcome to participate in this Novena.

Novena Process

  • Place yourself in a comfortable setting away from distraction. Optional: Light a candle, play soft meditative music, or use a prayer bowl.

  • Pause. Take several, deep, cleansing breaths. Remember that you are in the Holy Presence of God.

  • Read the daily prayer several times, silently or aloud. Breathe deeply. Pause between each reading. Allow the words to resonate in your spirit.

  • Consider this: How are the words resonating within you? If the words were to live in your heart, enliven your soul, and nourish your spirit, what do you need to affirm or change in your life?

  • Conclude by giving gratitude for this time knowing that you are “together and by association” in prayer with members of the Lasallian family. Live Jesus in our hearts…forever.

    Download the Nnovena through this link:


An end to violent conflicts through peaceful resolutions

Daily Prayers

Day 1: January 12

“Peace is a gift of God, but it requires our efforts. Let us be people of peace in word and deed.”
– Pope Francis

Day 2: January 13

“There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.”
– Gandhi

Day 3: January 14

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”
– Dalai Lama

Day 4: January 15

“Here I am Lord, I Come to Do Your will.”
– Daily Psalm Catholic Church

Day 5: January 16

“God of love, set me aflame with love for you and for my neighbor.”
– Saint John Baptist de La Salle

Day 6: January 17

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
– Buddha

Day 7: January 18

“Grant us peace, Your most precious gift, O Eternal Source of peace, and give us the will to proclaim its message to all the peoples of the earth.”
– Jewish Prayer for Peace

Day 8: January 19

“Oh God, You are peace, from you comes peace, to you returns peace. Revive us with a salutation of peace and lead us to your abode of peace.”
– Prophet Muhammad

Day 9: January 20

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
– Jesus Christ JN 14: 27

Maryann Donohue-Lynch, District of Eastern North America, Brothers of the Christian Schools. January 2020. All Rights Reserved.